Monday, September 25, 2023

Camera Shots/ Angles Quiz Discussion

   In the Camera shots/angles quiz, we were given a set of instructions on how to do the assignment. We were told to choose one to two inanimate objectives, create a story based on those two objects, and afterward, take 15 different shots on our phones that would help convey the story and its message. My teammate and I decided to choose a teddy bear and its guitar. We decided that the story was going to be about the teddy bear's journey on learning how to play the guitar.

I believe me and my teammate created a nice story with a valuable message behind it. However, we can definitely improve our shot recognition in the future and frame the shots correctly in the final draft.

Introductory Post

 Hello! My name is Dino and I'm creating this blog so I can talk about my AICE MEDIA class and the different kinds of things we will be doing in the class.


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