Sunday, March 17, 2024

Filming Day 2


So, I finally finished filming my movie opening. I cannot tell you guys the struggle my family and I went through in making this:00 It took about 3-4 hours because we either kept on forgetting our lines, laughing, or something happened with the audio recording. Speaking about the audio recording, I realized I made a huge mistake. See I thought I was going to be able to use my microphone and a mic arm as sort of a shotgun microphone like the ones almost every filmmaker uses to record dialogue. I have a little adapter so that I can plug the microphone and a headset into my phone. 

I loaded up Bandlab which is actually a music software I used to use but it comes with a ton of effects and noise cancellation settings. I thought it would come in handy to get a nice voice recording. I plugged everything into my mom's phone and it worked perfectly until.. disaster arose. Of course, something went wrong and the mic stopped working. Now, maybe I should've had a backup in case this happened. Before production, I was thinking of purchasing wireless Lavalier mics but I thought they were too expensive and never ended up doing so. However, before going absolutely crazy, I thought we could record the dialogue with another iPhone and place it on everyone's chest behind their shirts or hidden in other places. As you guys might expect, the process was very frustrating and time-consuming but everyone was able to pull through. 

So in the image above you guys can see my mom, dad, and girlfriend Selene. Originally, Selene was to be the cameraman/ prod. sound mixer, so since the microphone stopped working, she was just the cameraman. My parents and I were the actors. Also If you guys look to the right, yes that's right, we filmed at 12 pm yesterday. We all planned to film the day before at night since obviously it made more sense but we had a last-minute emergency family meeting.

For the things on the table, we grabbed a bunch of leftovers from the fridge and made a sort of pseudo-dinner because again, it was 12 PM!!! We are Argentinian so we eat lunch at 2 pm and my mom didn't feel like cooking and eating so early. I sent both my parents the movie script and they studied it in their own time but I printed one just in case to use the day of the shoot. I set up a little table and my tripod the day before to have everything ready so we wouldn't waste any time. I'm very glad I did.

But yeah guys that's pretty much it and don't worry, I'll leave you with some funny bloopers.

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