Thursday, February 29, 2024

Group Meeting Blogpost

Wednesday's group meeting was a lot of fun. I got to listen to many people's ideas and find out what they are going to do for their movie opening. The idea was to give feedback mostly on the blog post but because of the time and how many people we had to review, we just focused on the ideas for the movie opening. I don't like the words critique or constructive criticism because it sounds too harsh. All we did was just come together as a group and give each other ideas of what we could do to better our project. 

One of my group members, Chloe, is doing a piece about a teenage pregnancy, where the girl is hiding the fact that she is pregnant. For one of the scenes, she was going to say hi to everyone and pretend like everything was good, and after cut to her vomiting in the bathroom and her friend holding her hair. I suggested that she film the scene in a stall where when the girl is done vomiting and they close the door, she would add a loud door close sound effect and the title would appear on the wall which I've seen before in movies and I thought would look good in her piece.

JD was another one of my group members. His story was about a successful detective who is known for solving every crime. The idea is that the chief of police is mysteriously murdered and everyone believes the killer to be the detective since he can't figure out who killed him. JD wants to start off his film with a car chase which we all know is very hard to do and as a group, we all told him that but it seemed to be like he already knows hahaha so I'm interested to see how he pulls it off. We all liked his story and thought it was good so we didn't comment on it too much.

Zain and her project group wanted to make their movie opening about this girl who is a mathematical prodigy and she predicts the future through mathematical equations. She told us about this other idea they had where the boss of the girl would be a gay guy, but I don't remember her mentioning what the girl's work was? I told Zain that the gay boss should have to make sense with his occupation but other than that I also really liked their story idea.

Luis wanted to make a film simply about a guy that is emotionally dissociated. Now when he explained to us his idea he took a long time to get to the point,  therefore making the story for the short movie opening seem not so short. We told him this, and we said that he doesn't have to include so many details because he only has 2 minutes to develop a story. Yea, it's true that in 2 minutes we do have to make a lot of meticulous decisions however adding too much detail could make the audience lose track so that's basically the feedback we gave him.

For me, obviously, if you read my previous blog post you'll know the idea I came up with. I presented my idea to my group and they all really liked it a lot which I'm super happy about and I'm hoping this project can turn out really good. The only feedback I got is that I should try to show more and talk less (we learned that in class:)) My story is established mainly through dialogue in my piece and my group gave me the idea that I should include in the dinner scene, a shot of Felipe hiding his grades from his parents before sitting to eat dinner which I think I might do. Overall I thought the group meeting was very fun and insightful. Hopefully the next one goes just as well!

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