Friday, February 2, 2024

Music Marketing Blog Post #2

The Music Marketing project was very stressful. My group and I faced many challenges throughout this assignment that slowed us down. Let me walk all of you through the full process. Mariano, Luis, and I first received the genre's Pop Funk/ Hip-Hop and we were all happy because it is a very good and well-known genre of music. We also were emailed 4 songs that pertained to these genres and we ended up choosing Colors by Black Puma. The decision-making was an easy one since we all agreed we liked the song and because it led us to envision a good idea for the music video. We knew the next step was to research marketing and distribution techniques based on 4 artists from our genre. We divided the work so that each person would research one artist, however, since we are an odd amount of people, one of us had to research two artists. The research charts are shown in the first Music Marketing post I made recently. 

The research took us no time and we also learned a lot about the artists we did case studies on. Then it was time to move on to part two of the assignment. This is where the process started to become more lengthy. We were to create a make-believe musical artist and develop a marketing campaign for said artist. We came up with the name Renzo Apollo and we envisioned him to be a humble guy who wears simple clothes. We borrowed some social media marketing and distribution techniques from our research and incorporated them into our campaign. We wanted to make sure we had a wide variety of publicity, therefore, we created accounts for our artist on many platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, and we even created an online website that would include inspirational videos and a Renzo Apollo-themed shop to sell merchandise. We all had amazing ideas and it was really easy for my group to decide what we would or wouldn't include in our marketing campaign presentation. We eventually completed our PowerPoint presentation and it was finally time to film the music video.

 Finding time to film the video with my partners was very challenging as we are all taking hard classes and have busy schedules. My partner Mariano and I ended up shooting the music video on Monday, the 29th of January. We chose to film it in the back part of Regional Park here in Weston, FL since it has a beautiful landscape and it was very sunny. It took about 2-3 to film all the shots. A couple days later I began to transfer the videos onto my computer to begin the editing process. I encountered a huge issue during the process. Something happened to my computer and an error popped up on my screen. I unplugged my phone to restart the process only to find out that all the videos we filmed including hundreds of pictures from my camera roll were gone. I was super confused and I freaked out! This had never happened before and I was super confused. I thought that it was over and that my team and I were going to get a bad grade for the assignment. I walked into school the next day and during 8th hour, I advised my teacher, Ms. Stocklosa, of what went wrong. I later logged into my school computer and clicked on the files app to download something for our presentation. Wouldn't you know it? THE MUSIC VIDEO FOOTAGE WAS BACKED UP! I remember I was transferring some videos the other day to play around with some ideas for when we would edit the footage, I don't however remember downloading all the videos. It was a miracle, to say the least. I immediately saved all the videos to my phone and airdropped them to my teammates to make sure they would never be lost again. Today we finished the project, including the music video.

I'm very thankful for the effort my teammates put into this project and how supportive they were when it came time for me to propose some ideas. Not only did I learn a lot of marketing and distribution techniques, but also more about the genre of pop-funk and the different music video styles. I believe that the planning and time management aspect will be very helpful for our next project which is the Cambridge Portfolio.

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