Friday, February 9, 2024

Portfolio Project Transition Post

Hey Blog! As you can see from the title, it's finally time to get started on our portfolio project. I will be positing much more on this blog, documenting all the little steps and processes I will be taking towards the development of this new project. Last project was very stressful, but now that I look back I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot of new things in music marketing and distribution. My goal for this project is to manage my time wisely and to create an Oscar worthy film opening :)..but an A or B is also good.

Two approaches I would like to explore coming into the project is the development of characters and the establishment of background, but lets talk about the fist one. I would approach approach development of characters through the use of mise-en-scene, dialogue, and interactions. To elaborate just a little more, if I wanted my characters to be life long bestfriends, they would obviously have a very open interaction and would talk to each other the way they would if they were brothers or sisters. If the characters were to be teenage high school students, I would make their dialogue to be a little more "slangish" than that of a more educated and older character.
My other approach would be establishing a background. I could also use mise-en-scene through clothes and the setting of the area in which the film would take place. Richer or wealthier places would typically have nicer houses, buildings, and a cleaner enviornment whereas poorer places would posses the opposite. Clothes would also say a lot about the financial status of the character and their personality. I wouldn't really try to do anything with radios or tv stations in the scene because it would be hard to add in during the editing process.

Just so you guys know, these are just some options I'm interested in exploring but they aren't definitive choices I will incorporate in my project!

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  CCR 1: CCR 2: