Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Start of Something Great

The first thing I need to do to get started on this project is brainstorm. I wanna get an idea of what genre I want my film opening to be. Before anything, I wanted to let you guys know that I decided to work on this project by myself. I will obviously try to get help from some friends to be in my video, but working primarily by myself means I get to work on my own schedule and I don't have to postpone certain things. This happened last project and it was really frustrating.

Anyways, right now I have two genres that I'm definitely considering doing. One of them is comedy. Now, Ms. Stoklosa did NOT recommend this one as she says usually they don't turn out so well. However, I would consider my friends and I pretty funny and I bet that If I do enough research in developing a comedic screenplay, It could be the first, or one of the first, to truly come out good. Right now I was checking out this website called, that provides lots of tips on how to develop a good comedic story and even some videos where popular comedy directors also tell you what's important to have in your piece.

Link to the website:

In this website, it suggest that in order to create a successful comedic piece, I have to develop the characters background, high stakes for the character, and a good thing is that they suggest to add elements of drama which is another genre I wanted to do. The comedy in my piece would mostly target people of my age since I know a little more about what teenagers find funny than adults. I want my piece to mostly be serious and based of a guy that is training to chase his dream of becoming a professional soccer player. I want to establish a struggle where the character has a hard time balancing training with things like school and helping out at home.

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