Wednesday, March 27, 2024

CCR Numero Uno!

Hi Guys! I haven't posted in a couple of days because I had really bad wifi and I've been on the move quite a bit. Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys my idea for my first CCR. So I'm planning for both CCRs to be around 4 minutes long but I'm going to make sure to include lots of cuts, demonstrations, and detailed explanations.  I'm going to be answering the first two questions which are the following:

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues.

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Before I tell you guys how I'm going to tackle these questions, I want to introduce my idea for the CCR! My first CCR is going to be a Zoom meeting where I will be interviewed by my girlfriend Selene who is pretending to be a famous journalist. Originally I was going to do a PowerPoint presentation but I thought it would turn out kind of bland so I asked Selene if she could help me out and she said she could!

Now back to the questions! Below are the responses I came up with (Mind you this is just a sort of script for my overall answer, some things might not be mentioned due to time or I will add on to certain things.)

1. "Our movie opening not only challenges conventions, but also presents a refreshing portrayal of a protagonist who defies stereotypical expectations. In our narrative, we introduce a 15-year-old Hispanic boy from a high-middle-class background who dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. This deliberate choice challenges the common depiction of Hispanic characters primarily associated with poverty or urban struggles. By showcasing a protagonist from a comfortable economic background, we aim to represent the diversity and complexity within the Hispanic community. Importantly, our intention is not to perpetuate the zero-to-hero narrative often seen in sports movies. Instead, we delve into the protagonist's journey of dedication and commitment to achieving his goals, regardless of his economic status. This resonates deeply with young viewers from similar backgrounds who are striving to excel in their own pursuits despite facing challenges. Our product thus addresses socioeconomic diversity within Hispanic communities while emphasizing the universal themes of perseverance and determination."

2. "Our movie opening not only captivates audiences through its compelling narrative but also resonates deeply with viewers by exploring themes of dedication and perseverance. By choosing YouTube and film festivals as our primary distribution channels, we can engage with audiences in meaningful ways while also maximizing our exposure as a new and small production company. YouTube serves as a great distribution method as our target audience of both males and females ages 10-18 are commonly using it. Also, YouTube's interactive features allow our audience to share their thoughts, experiences, or even just feedback in general in the comment section. At film festivals, our movie opening has the opportunity to shine on the big screen, captivating audiences and industry professionals alike. By showcasing our work alongside other talented filmmakers, we position ourselves to garner attention and recognition for our unique storytelling approach and also gain some quality feedback from experts in the area of cinema.

Overall, I'm happy with my responses and I just hope that I am able to make all this work within the time frame. I'm going to record the CCR tomorrow and edit it on Friday. I will be sure to blog right after!

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  CCR 1: CCR 2: