Sunday, March 10, 2024

Filming Day One

 Hey Blog! The filming of my opening scene has finally begun. 

I waited until around 7:40 PM to start so that I could get the perfect background for my shots. To get the tracking shots of me running, I got help from my girlfriend, Selene, and her friend Jack. Jack has a car so Selene rode in the back and they followed me as she filmed and Jack drove. We had a lot of trouble getting good shots because it got too dark and my phone wasn't focusing properly. After so much trial and error, we thankfully got through it :))

Originally I thought of having someone stand on a skateboard and record as someone pulled it. I then thought about it and figured that it would be easier to film from a car, it would also look smoother. Another problem we had with the shots was the exposure, but after playing around a little bit with the editing I found that I could fix it from my phone. It made my life a lot easier

Below are some of the shots we took today:

P.S: The videos weren't uploading so here's the link to them :)

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